Follow Friday

Feature and Follow Friday {21}


Hey Everyone! Happy Friday!! So today we’re bringing back a good ole feature on this blog called Feature and Follow Friday. With this post you answer a question, and then check out everyone else’s blogs that posted for today and check out their answers. The goal is to help networking among book bloggers. So if you answered the question, feel free to leave the link below so I can check it out! I’m super interested to know! So with that known, let’s get to the question!


Honestly I’m probably pretty horrible at this, but I do have a way that I somewhat keep track of books that aren’t out yet. I have a wishlist on amazon, that way I can track prices and such as well. So on that list it let’s me know what are not out yet and what are available for pre-order and when they are released if they have a date. I pretty frequently check the list, either when I purchase new books or when I add new books to it, so I’m able to see the upcoming dates for release of the books that I want. I’ll throw a picture in below to show off kind of what I’m working with so you have a general idea!

So how is it that you keep track of your upcoming releases and what you want to read? Let me know!


Follow Friday

Follow Friday {20}

Hello all! Welcome back to my blog for yet another FF. This week I’m gonna just cut to it, check out the question below.

What is a book you didn’t like that all your friends raved about or what book did you love that wasn’t popular?

I can’t really think of any book that I liked that wasn’t popular. But I can think of one book that I was meh about but everyone else raved about, and now it has a movie coming out. That would be The Host. It took me forever to even try and get into the story, let alone enjoy or finish it. Now it has a movie coming out and I’m semi cautious about wanting to go see it. It looks like they may have done a good job, but then again if they stuck to the book the first hour may be nothing but boring.


Wanna find where I got this idea. Go check her out!
Follow Friday

Follow FIrday {19}

Hey everyone and welcome, sorry things are so slow going right now, I’m just making sure I can get you some posts while I study for a super huge exam this week. But we’ve made it to Friday! That is always the best part of my week, and of course we all know what Fridays mean. Follow Friday! Don’t be afraid to go ahead and post a link to your FF post so I can check it out.

Confess your blogger sins! Is there anything as a newbie blogger that you’ve done, that as you gained more experience you were like — oops?

I remember when I first started blogging, the way that I was posting my reviews was horrendous. I would write a one paragraph review and lump it with two or three books. I thought that was a good way to do things to start off, but then realized how wrong I was. I figured that separating reviews was my first step to being better, and then also not posting on the same day. The few people that I had following me at the time wouldn’t be so overwhelmed by the massive posts I was making.
Wanna find where I got this idea. Go check her out!
Follow Friday

Follow Friday {18}

Alright guys, so it is Friday, and we all know what that means. FOLLOW FRIDAY. So this is exciting because I get to start doing these posts again, and they always make me think. I actually decided to go back, and choose one that I missed that I really wanted to answer, but next week I’ll go back to answering them as posted. So here is this week’s question, comment with your post if you want to share your answer.
Q: If you could pick one character in a book, movie, or television show to swap places with, who would it be?
This is a really tough one to answer, because I have read so many books and watched so many shows and movies that I would love to be in. Once I thought about it though, the one place that I would love to be would have to be Storybrooke. Out of all of the characters in Once Upon a Time, I would have to say I would love to be Red. She is such a strong character, and she discovers so much about herself in the first season alone. This current season I’ve grown to love her even more and she helps so much with everything. So there you guys go, I would be Red living in Storybrooke helping the best I can.

Hosted by Parajunkie, just so you can get to know me a little more
Follow Friday

Follow Friday {17}

So I know it’s been a few days, and quiet a while since I’ve done one of these posts, but in true Friday fashion. Here is this week’s Follow Friday. Link yours in the comment below if you would like!

Q: Best Cover? What is the best cover of a book that you’ve read and didn’t like?

This is a tough one because I just love covers, and generally if I love the cover I end up loving the book. I guess if I had to pick it would be this book. I think mainly because I was so excited due to who the author was and I thought the cover was so cute I probably had too much expectations for this book, but it was just so hard to get into that I don’t think I even finished it, sad I know.
Hosted by Parajunkie, just so you can get to know me a little more
Follow Friday

Follow Friday {16}

Hey everyone and happy Friday! So I have something special going on. The next couple of days/blogs will be done 1,748 miles away from my home. Yeah, I’m on vacation this week, in Las Vegas. I can post some pictures later if anyone is wanting to see. Of course I couldn’t forget about any of you so I brought my laptop and (of course) books with me so I could make sure to keep in touch. So today is of course Follow Friday, so let’s take a look at what this week’s question is.
Q. If you could pick one character in A book, movie, or television show to swap places with, who would it be?
I think this is a difficult one. there are so many options. I guess right now if I had to pick someone to swap with it would have to be Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls. I was absolutely in love with that show when I was younger and I own all of them on DVD. She’s smart, witty, and has amazing taste, plus she’s a book-a-holic like myself.
Hosted by Parajunkie, just so you can get to know me a little more
Follow Friday

Follow Friday {15}

Q. What book that hasn’t been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?
Of the recent books that I have read, I think the one that I would be most excited to see made into a movie would have to be Wildefire. I absolutely loved that book and to see it come to life would be freaking awesome, for lack of better words haha. Someone that I would want to see cast to play Ashline would have to be, that would be hard to cast. If it were to stray from the obvious having to be Polynesian I guess if I were to overlook that small fact, I think someone that would be good for the part would be Emma Roberts. But if it were to have to stick with the ethnicity I honestly have no idea who I would pick to play the part
So that’s my follow friday, where’s yours?
Follow Friday

Follow Friday {14}


Q. What do I do when I am not reading?

Well I work haha. Usually I work about 40 hours a week now a days so that’s mostly what I’m doing. BUT I do take a book with me to work so I can read on lunch break because if not I get so bored. Other than that I’m usually on my xbox playing CoD Black Ops like the cool kid I am. If you know Black Ops then you know what I mean when I say I’m about to prestige again so I’ve been playing a bit more so I can level up lol. But yeah those are mainly the two things I do other than reading and sleeping so my lifes pretty boring.

What’s your Follow Friday?
Hosted by Parajunkee, just so you can get to know me a little more
Follow Friday

Follow Friday {13}

Q. How many books do you read in a week? And in what format do you read them, or listen to them?

Right now I’ve been lucky to fit one book in a week. But that’s because I’ve just been so busy with everything and especially school. But now that school is out I hopefully, cross my fingers, can read at least two a week. Right now most of my books have been in  paper format, but I do have some Kindle books and some new ebooks for review to read so those will definitely be the ones I will be heading towards soon.
What’s your Follow Friday?
Hosted by Parajunkee, just so you can get to know me a little more
Follow Friday

Follow Friday {12}

So here I am again everyone. Everything is going fine, I just have finals week coming up and am working almost 40 hour  weeks now. I’m going to schedule some posts so I can just hop on and click post daily instead of having to sit down and write them since I can never seem to find the time. That way I won’t be gone for such long periods of time. But anywho here is this week’s follow firday

Q. Circle time! Time to share. What character in a book would you most like to be, what character in a book would you most like to date?

I would have to say that the character I most want to be would have to be, oh wow this is hard let me see. Right now I think Meghan Chase from The Iron Fey Trilogy is really interesting. I don’t want to say too much and give away things with why I want to be here but her life is going to be very interesting.  I know I would love to date Edward Cullen purely for the fact that when I think of him I think Robert Pattinson, and have you seen him? I mean come on he’s gorgeous.
What’s your Follow Friday?
Hosted by Parajunkee, just so you can get to know me a little more