What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

We made it to the start of another week. How was everyone’s weekend! I had a very lazy weekend that honestly didn’t get enough reading done. But today is the start of a new week which means more reading! I have a lot to read, so hopefully this will all happen! Let’s get in to the books

What did you read last?


Why yes, I finally finished the To All The Boys trilogy. While I’m happy that I can say I’ve finished a series, I feel like finishing it made no change to how I felt after the second book. This book follows Lara in literally the last couple months of senior year of high school. I thought it was going to at least give us some look of her life at college, but we didn’t really get any of that. Plus the drama that is brought up in this just seems to be done to make there be something going on. It was nice getting to see the other characters again, but this book was just bland to me, and I honestly couldn’t wait until I was done with it. Definitely sad about it.

What Are You Currently Reading?


Speaking of finishing series. I decided to pick up Wildcard today. Yes, I actually have physically started to read this one. I’m super excited to see what happens, since I just reread Warcross not too long ago. There are so many questions that were left after the first book, and I need answers. So hopefully I will be able to get those answers. I also am excited because there is going to be a character introduced called Park Jimin, and Marie Lu herself confirmed that he was created in BTS Jimin’s image, and I love me some BTS so I can’t wait to see him in this book!

What Do You Plan On Reading Next?


I think I’m going to continue on the trend of finishing series books that I have currently going. Not only will this help by reading the next book in a series, this will also help me knock a book off my TBR. I recently enough re-read Renegades, so I feel like the story is still pretty fresh in my mind, so I should be able to just pick this book up and fall right back in to the story. This is a long one too but I hope that I can finish is quickly!



What are you reading this week?

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

First Monday of the year, so for What Are You Reading for 2019. How many books have you completed so far? I’m at TWO already, which is super exciting, but Goodreads says I’m behind, I gotta kick it all in to gear to make sure I stay on track this year. So let’s talk about my current reads!

What did you read last?


I finished one of my ARCs from last year!! I’m so super proud that I finished this. Yes this book is out already, but hey I still read it finally. I have to say that Queens of Geek had me super hyped up for this book I’m not going to lie. While I did enjoy this book a ton, I do feel like some things either were just way too convenient for the plot or they had to purpose of happening at all except to cause some drama. I just didn’t understand those parts. But all in all it was super freaking adorable and the amount of rep that is in this book. Holy cow let me tell you. I think it is so awesome! I would definitely recommend for a fun read.

What Are You Currently Reading?

First book from my actual TBR. I also think that this is super exciting because I’ll be finishing a series. That like never happens for me. Of course I did just pick this up so I’m not too sure how I feel yet, but I’m happy to be reading it that’s for sure! Also, I kind of don’t remember too much from the last book, so I guess I’m just gonna have to like wing it for right now. I guess we will see how this goes! Fingers crossed for it turning out to be good!!



What Do You Plan On Reading Next?


To be completely honest, this is just going to be a reread because I need to remember everything that happened before I read Wicked King. I know neither of these books were listed on my TBR but I have preordered The Wicked King with one of my Christmas gift cards, and according to Amazon it should be here tomorrow on release day. Since I did preorder this I am praying that The Wicked King is NOT in the Owlcrate this month because lord knows I need to stop rebuying books that I get in my subscription boxes. I can’t wait to dive back in to this world and see what happens in the next one as well!

I’ll see you all tomorrow with a new post!

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

Man, this weekend flew by. I got to do more reading this weekend than I thought I would be able to though, so I’m pretty happy. As you saw yesterday, I have a full week of reading ahead of me, but I figure I might as well update you anywho!

What did I read last?


I really like getting to see Megan and Owen as they were friends and see how they challenged each other to realize things about themselves. But holy hell is Megan so beyond childish. She abbreviates everything she does when she texts, flirts with any boy with legs that’s a jock, and basically throws tantrums with her Dad over things she really should know to discuss since she’s a senior in freaking high school. Overall I did enjoy the play aspect and like I said, Owen, so that made up for a lot of things that were frustrating. If you can look past some minor things and want something kind of fluffy with some real world problems, I’d recommend this one for you.

What am I currently reading?

36127456I started this one before I went to bed last night and made it about 5 chapters in. So far it’s got a decent start, and I know I pretty much love anything Kasie West since she’s an autobuy author for me. This is about a girl named Kate who lives on a lake and helps her parents run a marina. It’s the beginning of a new school year where she has to go to the next town over to go to school. There she’s been talked in to taking a podcast class by her best friend Alana. Apparently she’s going to be the host and going to start giving advice to other students as they call in to the show but I haven’t gotten to that part yet. I honestly can probably finish it today to be honest, since I found Hoopla has the audiobook already so I checked it out to listen on my drive back to my place from my parents this afternoon.


This one I also started yesterday, and I’ll read it story by story, because that’s just kind of how I work through anthologies. I’ve only finished the first one, and I have to say so far I’m pretty happy that this is just a library book because I first of all don’t like love triangles as it is, they annoy me, as well as being kind of bored during the entire first story. I’m starting to think that I just may not be a person made for anthologies, because I just sometimes don’t get anything from them. But then other times I do get stuff from the stories, so I don’t know. I guess I just need to keep trying until I really figure out what I should read genre wise when it comes to anthologies.

What do I plan to read next?


So, this isn’t even on my TBR for this week. But I’m 98% sure my library book is over due and I need to get it back to the library this weekend to not make my library even more angry at me. I do originally have an ARC of this on my kindle but I’m still iffy about ARCs on there because sometimes the formatting comes across really weird and makes it hard to read. So since this one is out and I have the library version I am going to work on reading this one, and hopefully quickly so I can work on reading more of my Cramathon TBR this week. This has a lot of gaming background and is the main point of view of a girl that does programming for the games, so it’s right up my alley!

What are you guys reading? Let me know below and I hope to see you tomorrow!

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What are you reading?

Hello Hello Hello! Sorry for being missing this weekend, but I spent some much needed time at my parents house this past weekend and had some family time. But of course I can’t go without reading so I have some awesome updates for you all. I’ll have my TBR for June up soon for you too but for now, let’s talk about what I’m reading/

What did you read last?


I literally finished this book on June 1st, one day too late to count it towards the challenge I had it for in Read-A-Thin. But I am glad that I finally read it since it’s one of my Owlcrate books that I’ve had for awhile that I hadn’t read yet. There has been so much hype around this book and I guess I can understand why. I really didn’t know what was going on though for about 15-20% of this book, but it was still pretty interesting in itself. I didn’t see the ending coming, and I didn’t expect things to happen that did happen, but it was a super interesting story and I did enjoy reading it. Though, I’m not too sure how Melissa Albert is planning to get another book from this, because it’s a pretty solid ending.

What are you currently reading?


Since I had such a heart wrenchingly good read with This Is Where is Ends about a school shooting, why not read a book about a school bombing? These are all such tear jerkers, but I am liking them and getting to see this perspective of things. In this book we’re following, I want to say 6, different characters. In the beginning I was having some trouble keeping them all apart, but I think I have them all separated now and I’m really interested to see where this goes. They’re all trapped in this school just before the school year starts when bombs start going off in the school. Then they find out that one of the people in the school could possibly be the bomber. I have an idea, but I don’t know just yet who it could be, so I’m interested to see how this all wraps up.

What do you plan on reading next?


This is going to be one of the books on my June TBR this month so you get a bit of a sneak peek. I’ve been so excited for this book since I was hearing the hype around Booktube for it, and I have started just a few pages of it. This month I tried to stick with a lot of Contemporary books even though they definitely not all are, but this book should be right up my alley. Everyone that Megan has ever been in a relationship has ended up falling in love, with someone else. So during her Senior year of high school while trying to add some padding to her college application, she’s cast as Juliet in the school play where she starts to notice a new boy, Owen, and of course things go from there!

So that is my current reading status on everything. I have a SUPER ambitious TBR this month, but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t. I’ll have that up soon, let me know how your reading is going in the comments. I’ll see you all soon!

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hey Everyone! Happy Monday, I hope if you’re getting a three day weekend you’re enjoying your last day off. I’ve been cramming a lot of books in here lately so I have a lot of stuff to talk about. Let’s get in to the books!

What did I read last?


This was a book that I had checked out from the library on a whim because the title and the cover were really cute to me. Turns out it was a 2018 release and was pretty much brand spanking new. This was sooooooo cute. It follows our main girl Iris is the grand daughter of M E Thorne who wrote the female equivalent of Lord of The Rings, and now Elementia is going to be turned in to a movie. So since her little brother is so in to the stories she acts as babysitter and is flown to Ireland to spend an entire week on set getting to see the movie be created. But while there she has to overcome a lot of things. She also might possibly be meeting her celebrity crush who just so happens to be playing in the movie. I would highly recommend this one!

What am I reading now?


I’m going to go with this one because this is the last book that I was physically reading, even though I have a whole bunch of stuff started right now. I honestly haven’t gotten that far in to it either so I’m not sure I can even say too much about it at this point. This book has two points of view. Ammy is on her way to her father’s for what is appearing to be his wedding to a much younger woman. Then we’re also following Noah who is on his way to win back his ex-girlfriend. Like I said before I’m not too far in to this but I’ve heard really good things about this book and I would like to hopefully finish it before the end of the month!

What do I plan to read next?


This is kind of cheating because I’ve also started this one as well but I haven’t gotten to far in to it and honestly with the mood I’ve been in I just want all the light hearted contemporaries. So honestly if you know some good ones let ya girl know. Anyway, this book is pretty cute and I have high hopes for it as well. We follow Megan who every boy she’s ever dated before has ended up falling in love, with someone other than her. So she’s currently looking for a new boyfriend and decides to try out for the school play because she needs the credit to put on her application for college, and she’s cast as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet and is cast across from her ex boyfriend who just so happens to be dating her best friend. I cannot wait to see where this goes.

So that’s what I’m reading, sorry I’m so late with the post today but I’m working everything out for the rest of the week and I can’t wait for you guys to see them all. Let me know what you’re reading in the comments!

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hello everyone, welcome to the blog. It’s that time of week again, the icky beginning of the week. I hope you all had an amazing weekend and enjoyed watching the Royal Wedding! I wasn’t dedicated enough to get up that early, but I did watch some coverage of it later in the day. I also got a ton of reading done last week, but needless to say not very much of it was for Read-A-Thin, so hopefully this week I’ll be knocking a bunch of those books out! But for now, let’s get in to what I’m reading.

What did you read last?

What Are You Currently Reading?


I think slow and steady is going to win the race on this one. This book is absolutely massive but I have reached over the half way mark in it so far. I’m really enjoying the story, so I’m glad all the story is living up to all the hype that it’s had so far. The world is so rich in magic and fantasy when it comes to the people and the animals, but it’s very easy to understand and keep track of things. I originally thought this was only done in two perspectives, but so far we’ve gotten three and I’m really enjoying it. I’m curious how things are going to go and how everyone is going to work towards their goals. I don’t want to say too much more and give away what’s happening and do any spoiling. This is for sure a must read book!

What do you plan to read next?


While this is not a Read-A-Thin book, this is a Scallywagathon book, so I know I will be working on it this week. All I know is that this is about a Siren who hunts Prince’s to take their hearts. Then one day her mother curses her to have legs and be among the people, and she ends up having to team up with a prince. I’m not really sure what else happens past that, but I do know I am super excited to get to it because I’ve had it for some time now and it’s another book that’s been super hyped up by people as well! I also am really happy with how much I’ve been working to go outside my comfort zone with books and this one is definitely one of those books!


So that’s how most of my reading is going. Let me know how you’re doing below!

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hello lovely readers. Another week, another Monday. I hope you all had a nice weekend break. I know I did. As well as a good Mother’s Day for all the mothers out there! I had a lovely day with my Mom and Grandma. I did a lot of reading last week. I participated in the Buzzword Readathon but read a lot of books that didn’t fit, so let’s go ahead and get in to what plans I have for this week!

What did you read last?








What Are You Currently Reading?


I started this before Buzzwordathon started so I need to finish this soon. So far it’s been a good story and is super interesting. These are the kinds of books I like written in poems. Not abstract ones like a certain famous one with a black cover and 3 word title. This is a book for Read-a-thin so I’m super hoping that I get it done today, since it’s all done in poetry. So far I just know what the jacket says about this book because I didn’t get that far in to the story. That’s also something about poetry stories. You can get a good way through page wise but you’re not that far in story wise. We’ll have to see how the rest of it goes!

What do you plan to read next?


So my library loan for the audiobook for this came through just a few days ago. I know that a I have about two weeks on this loan, but I think I just need to suck it up and start this one. It’s a massive book and it’s something that I don’t normally read, but since I’ve heard so many good things about it as well, I need to read this. This is going to be hopefully one that will hook me and change how I view other fantasy novels. It really will help me continue to branch out in what I normally read, so I’m excited to see what I think about this when I’m done.

What has your reading been like? I’d love to hear about it. See you tomorrow!

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

Ahhh another Monday, but for me this is day 3 of my weekend! I am so in love with being on my official work schedule that I am just going nuts reading all the books. I have so much stuff to get to this month and having an extra day off a week helps me get to books so much easier. So I’m trying to finish a lot of my currently reading as well as working on reading books on my TBR and of course the new readathon starts this week as well. Alright, let’s go ahead and get to the books!

What did you read last?


I swear, sometimes I am so derpy. I write these in advance and then forget to go back in and write about what I read last. So I’m sorry if you are having to come back to see what I read last this past week. I picked up and finished Royals by Rachel Hawkins in about 2 days, if even that. This book was so light hearted and cute, and now I am in such the perfect mood to be watching this Royal Wedding we’re going to get to see. But this book was seriously so much fun to get to see another side of Royals and see what other things people who are not royal may be going through while marrying someone who is royal. Easy and fast, I would pick this book up if you’re looking for a cute summer read!


What Are You Currently Reading?


This book is currently a Buddy Read of mine with Sydney at SydneyShelves and I am absolutely in love with it so far. We should be finishing it today according to our page break down and I am dying to know what is going to happen. This book is about a 17 year old girl who, due to a virus, is living with an artificial heart and on borrowed time until she can receive a heart transplant. Then one day, a heart becomes available for her and she gets a new chance on life. That is, until she learns the new heart beating in her chest is the heart of a boy from her school who just so happens to be the twin of a boy she’s had a crush on for years, and also everyone believes he committed suicide. But the dreams she’s having say otherwise.

What do you plan to read next?


Since Buzzword Readathon starts today I of course plan to pick up one of my planned reads. This is the one that I am the most interested in out of the four (that I currently own anyway since Undead Girlgang comes out tomorrow) so I plan to not only pick this book up but to also read the entire thing today. This is about a girl who makes a new friend and ends up getting wrapped up in the cult life of Charles Manson. I’m interested to see how much of this is true and how much is made up to make the story work. Although I don’t know too much about the cult I do know bout the killings, so I’m super interested to get to this one and start reading it.

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

Another Monday, Another week. This year just seems to be flying by, considering this is the last week of April. I can’t believe we’re so far in to 2018 already. So I’ve been trying to come back out of my slump over the weekend and I did actually get some reading done. Let’s talk about the books!

What did I read last?


So I finally started my reread of the House of Night series. I read probably about the first 6 books of this 12 book series back when I was still in College, and I decided recently that I want to finish the whole series. Since it was so long ago I of course had to start from the beginning, and thankfully my hold for the audiobook for this came in over the weekend. I’m surprised that I remembered as much of this story as I did, but it was all really familiar as I was going through it. The thing is though this first book is all my memories of this series, so I don’t remember anything past it! I’ll be picking up the second one soon to try and refresh my memory of what happened next and to continue my read of this series.

What am I currently reading?


I think I picked this book up over a year ago honestly. I had just come back to the book community and was hearing so much about it so of course in true me fashion I spent money on a book and then just shelved it for quiet some time. But over the weekend I was feeling such in a rut that even the cute stories weren’t really making me interested in reading. So I started this one, and I’m about halfway through it now. I’m honestly surprised that I set it down because it’s such an edge of your seat kind of story, but it’s making my heart hurt really bad to read as well. All of these poor students that we’re following have some sort of tie to the shooter and he’s just absolutely crazy. I’ll definitely finish this soon!

What do I plan to read next?


So I think I’m finally going to suck it up and finish this book. I’m still really not ready to have an end to this series, but at the same time I’m really ready to read it from the beginning again. I am already some way in to it, and I want to finish it before the end of the month. So since this is the last week I the month I figure I better pick it back up. I don’t want to say too much about this book since this is the third and final book in a series, but if you haven’t tried this series out yet I highly, highly, highly, recommend it. Even though it’s considered Sci-Fi it’s super fun, fast paced, and a great read that I have loved and am so sad to have to say goodbye to everyone that I’ve met along the way through these books.

So that is my goals for the week, and to maybe squeeze a few more reads in, because surprisingly I have barely read anything this month, and I feel kind of bad, but I’ve been in such a slump. Hopefully next month goes better since I Read-A-Thin happening. Let me know what you’re reading, and I’ll see you guys soon!

What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

Well, sorry for the super late post tonight. I was hoping to have Read-a-Thin Round 4 Announcement to share with you guys but apparently my iMovie doesn’t want to work with my tonight and I can’t upload to Youtube. So Instead of leaving you postless….yes I just made that word up, I’m sneaking in a quick Monday post!

What did I read last?


I am completely straying from my TBR for the rest of the month, because I am feeling very slumpy coming on and I want to combat that as much as possible. So the last book I read I finished yesterday and the was American Panda. This is about a Chinese-American teenager who is having to deal with trying to fit in with social norms as well as trying to fit the mold of what her parents have in mind for her as well as their traditions. This was very much a light fluffy novel that I was able to finish in just a couple days. It does touch on some serious things like disownment and anxiety as well as OCD. I thought it did a really great job, although I am just white so I can’t fully speak for everyone, but it was a fun read and I’m glad I was finally able to get to it!

What am I currently reading?

That is the question huh. I honestly have no idea what I am in the mood for right now so I do not have anything picked up at the moment. I did make a trip to the library to return some things and pick up some holds so hopefully something will call to me over the next couple days.

What do I plan to read next?


This was one of my holds at the library, and I am pretty excited to read it when I am finally in the mood. This is reimagining of the civil war, involving Zombies. So the main character is born with colored skin, and since that is the case she is sent to a combat school to learn essentially how to kill zombies. Basically the main girl has no interest in what she is learning and just wants to return to her home state to be with her family. Then families around the area that her school is start to go missing, and she somehow becomes entangled in the entire mess. I have heard nothing but great things, even the librarian that checked me out said she just finished and loved it, so I have high hopes for this ones!


Again, sorry for such a late post, hopefully I can get Youtube to work for me and I can tell you guys all about Read-A-Thin in May. Let me know what you’re reading in the comments, and Happy Monday!!